June 15th – 21st, 2025
This year’s session will take place at the University of Nevada, Reno
What is Nevada Girls State?

American Legion Auxiliary (ALA) Girls State programs offer training in the processes of good citizenship as practiced in a democratic society. Each summer, approximately 20,000 enthusiastic young women participate in ALA Girls State sessions across the nation. At ALA Girls State, the “citizens” study City, County, and State government processes. They do this by setting up their own miniature City, County and State governments. Then, they administer them according to the laws of their particular State.

After arriving at UNR (where ALA Nevada Girls State takes place), delegates (now our citizens) are divided into two faux political parties to gain knowledge about the operation of a two-party system. Within these parties, the citizens form committees to revise and write legislation to be debated by the State Senators and Assemblywomen that they have elected to represent them.

ALA Nevada Girls State citizens participate in these instructional political parties, and elections are held to fill City, County, and State positions. Activities include legislative sessions, campaigning, party meetings, debating, and voting. The citizens also receive special instruction in parliamentary procedure and have the opportunity to hear from a number of guest speakers.
How do I become a Nevada Girls State delegate?
In order to attend Nevada Girls State, a student must:
- Identify as female (if you know male students seeking a similar opportunity, please visit the Nevada Boys State website)
- Currently be a Junior (entering their Senior year after their attendance)
- Have at least one (1) semester of high school remaining
- Submit all required fees and forms
- Be able to attend the entire session (we don’t allow students to arrive late or depart early)
That’s it! Students who are eager to learn and participate, who are willing to trust in the process they’ll go through during their week with our program, and who think they will gain something from the experience make the best delegates. You’re not required to be nominated or sponsored by your school or an American Legion Auxiliary Unit. There is also no GPA or other academic requirement.
The Process

- $250 Registration Fee
- $50 Materials Fee
- $75 Bus Fee (only applicable to students taking the bus from points South of Silver Springs, including the greater Las Vegas area)
- May 16, 2025: Last day to receive a refund if a student can’t attend
- June 8, 2025: Last day for a student to register
- June 13, 2025: Last day for a student to submit fees and the Waivers Packet
Where does Nevada Girls State take place?

This year, our session will take place at the University of Nevada, Reno campus in Reno.
What happens after I register?

Support from ALA Units
As a program of the American Legion Auxiliary, Nevada American Legion Auxiliary Units may be able to help your school with funding. Please use the following document to determine which American Legion Auxiliary Unit, District, or Program is associated with your school. Unfortunately, we can’t guarantee that any Unit, District, or program will be able to provider financial support for students and you aren’t required to work with an assigned Unit or District.
ALA Contact Information
If your school is not listed, or the information listed for your school is incorrect, please contact us so that we can update our files. Students from any school not currently assigned a contact will work directly with Nevada Girls State.