Nevada Girls State is a fast-paced, academic program presented by the American Legion Auxiliary (ALA). This week-long program teaches young women about state and local government through hands-on experience. Delegates participate in mock elections to become city, county, and state government, write legislation about topics important to them, and act as a state legislature at the end of the week to debate and vote on their legislation.
Your donation is key to helping more students who might not otherwise have the chance attend a program that could change their lives, and to helping us to achieve our mission of Empowering Women, Inspiring Communities to develop tomorrow’s leaders.
Support Our Mission
- $75 will provide the transportation fee for 1 student
- $250 will provide a scholarship for 1 student’s registration fees
- $365 will provide a full-attendance scholarship for 1 student
- $1,000 will provide full-attendance scholarships for 3 students